Youll Need to Pair With the Devices to Connect Again Bluetooth

IMPORTANT: This article applies only to specific products and/or operating systems. Bank check Applicable Products and Categories for details.

Solving your Bluetooth pairing & connexion problems

First, allow's verify the Bluetooth issue you're experiencing:

  1. I'm struggling to connect 2 Bluetooth devices for the first time or pair a second device. Linking two devices for the showtime fourth dimension is chosen Bluetooth Pairing and is often activated automatically when you're using your production for the first time. We refer to pairing to a subsequent device as 'second-time pairing'. Please continue reading the article beneath.
  2. I've successfully paired and connected two devices, just the audio is disrupted, I can't hear anything or I don't know what sound settings to option. Please visit our commodity on tips on how to solve Bluetooth sound issues.

What is Bluetooth pairing?

When you meet a new person, yous usually innovate yourself first and exchange basic data. You won't take to do this again the next fourth dimension you meet your new acquaintance - unless you forget who they are or vice versa.

Bluetooth pairing is similar. When two Bluetooth devices are pairing, they exchange information. They establish a connectedness and recognise each other in the future without any introduction - unless 1 device forgets the other one or vice versa.

First-time pairing versus second-time pairing

Many new Bluetooth devices (e.g. wireless headphones) automatically go into pairing mode the first time yous plough them ON. Your device becomes discoverable on its own. At this point, your device doesn't have whatever pairing data saved. Even so, when you pair a second device, you lot must manually activate pairing mode. Your device won't enter pairing manner automatically, unlike the first time.

The vii-2d dominion

With many Sony Bluetooth devices, activating pairing manner is washed by pressing and holding the pairing/power button on your device for nigh 7 seconds. Y'all will frequently hear an sound cue or see a blue flashing LED to inform you lot that your device has entered pairing mode. Your device will remain in pairing mode for a few minutes and will turn itself off if the pairing procedure isn't successful.

Be sure to check your transmission or Help Guide to learn how to activate Bluetooth pairing on your product.

Example: how to activate pairing mode for the WH-1000XM4 headphones

Where to notice online manuals in your language

Continue them close and charged

Place your devices within 1 meter (iii feet) of each other while pairing.

Make sure both devices have ample power. Pairing can fail if ane device has low battery power.

NFC: the easiest way to pair and connect headphones with your smartphone

Switching back and forth between Bluetooth devices in your settings can be boring. Did you know you tin can avert the settings menu entirely when you're using an Android phone?

Near Field Communication (NFC) is the engineering used in contactless payments. Yous hold your card to a card reader and wait until your payment is canonical. Similarly, NFC can also be used to pair and connect Bluetooth devices. If your devices are both equipped with NFC, and the NFC setting on your phone is enabled, y'all can pair them instantly without going through Bluetooth settings:

  1. Make certain you've enabled NFC on your telephone.
  2. Unlock your telephone.
  3. Agree information technology close to the NFC logo (e.thou. left headphone cup on WH-1000XM4). Y'all don't even have to power on your headphones. They will turn on automatically.
  4. Bluetooth pairing volition occur, or the Bluetooth connection will be activated if you've previously paired the devices.

For more than data, visit the commodity: What'south the easiest way to pair my Bluetooth headphones with an Android phone?

I can't find the device in the Bluetooth list: try turning Bluetooth OFF and ON again

Turning Bluetooth OFF and ON again is especially useful when the device you want to connect to doesn't appear in the Bluetooth menu list. Turning Bluetooth OFF and ON again refreshes the list. This tip applies to smartphones, computers and TVs.

Xperia (Android) smartphone: How to turn Bluetooth ON/OFF

Windows 10 laptop: How to turn Bluetooth ON/OFF

I can't detect the device in the Bluetooth list: cheque if it'southward automatically paired with a previous device

The Bluetooth device y'all're trying to connect to may not show upwardly in the Bluetooth listing if information technology's already connected with a unlike device (e.1000. a relative's phone might already exist connected to your speaker or headphones without you noticing). You need to disable that connection beginning.

How do I know if an Xperia smartphone is already continued via Bluetooth?

Some devices (e.g. the WH-1000XM4 headphones) can simultaneously connect to two Bluetooth devices. This is chosen a 'multipoint connexion'. For more information, visit the article: Connect the WH-1000XM4 headphones to two devices (multipoint connection).

Although I've paired my devices, they won't connect: delete pairing information and pair again

Windows 10 message in Bluetooth & Other Devices settings for WH-1000XM4: "That didn't work. Make sure your Bluetooth device is still discoverable, then try again". Two buttons to choose from: "Connect" or "Remove device".

Although uncommon, it's possible that two devices are successfully paired, merely refuse to connect. If you lot're sure this is not caused by a depression battery level or a mismatch of Bluetooth profiles, delete the pairing information and pair the devices again to solve this glitch. Yous can delete (Forget / Remove device) Bluetooth pairing information in your phone'southward or computer's Bluetooth bill of fare.

Xperia (Android) smartphone: How to disconnect a device or delete its pairing information

Windows x laptop: How to disconnect a device or delete its pairing information

As well, there's a limit to how many Bluetooth devices you can pair. Most smartphones tin salve Bluetooth pairing information for up to eight devices. That limit means your telephone will delete the oldest pairing data if you try to pair a ninth device.

I tin can't pair devices: brand certain the Bluetooth profiles of your devices match

What is a Bluetooth profile?

The Bluetooth profile of a device determines what Bluetooth devices it can communicate with and how this communication is done. Take these 2 examples:

  • Some TVs support Bluetooth remotes, merely not Bluetooth headphones. The headphones demand a dissimilar Bluetooth contour than the remote control.
    • [VIDEO] How to connect Bluetooth headphones to your Sony TV
  • There are transmitting and receiving Bluetooth devices. Your phone can transport music to a speaker, but not the other way around.

Ii Bluetooth devices that want to communicate wirelessly need to have uniform profiles. Ever consider the purpose of the device you're trying to pair. You tin can check if your device supports the necessary profile in your device'south manual and specifications. Manuals are posted on our back up website. If a device allows for more than 1 way of connection (e.g. telephone, music, letters, and accost book), try disabling sure modes on either connected device to see if that solves your problem.

Related articles

  • Can I connect Bluetooth headphones, speakers, and soundbars with my Android Television set?
  • Listing of Bluetooth profiles [External link: Wikipedia)

Check out our Bluetooth support videos

Check out our video series on all things Bluetooth.

  1. [VIDEO] Bluetooth Series - How to pair devices
  2. [VIDEO] Bluetooth Series - Pairing devices with NFC (Near Field Communication)
  3. [VIDEO] Bluetooth Series - Connecting to a Windows PC or Mac
  4. [VIDEO] Bluetooth Series - Essential troubleshooting (Most common Bluetooth issues explained)

Take you tried resetting & initialising both devices?

Headphones, soundbars, wireless speakers and other Bluetooth devices have a Reset function, which you can find explained in their manual. Manuals are posted on our back up website.

If you've tried everything and Bluetooth still isn't working, Reset your device first, then Initialise information technology. Keep in heed that initialising your device will restore factory settings. After y'all initialise your device, information technology will automatically become into pairing mode when you plow information technology on, as if it were make new.


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